Tip #3: Feeling Awkward? How to Loosen Up.

Tip #3: Feeling Awkward? How to Loosen Up.

If you feel more awkward than sexy when trying to take pics, the key to a sexy picture is about comfort and confidence.  Your attitude is far more tied to the outcome of the picture than what you’re wearing or how you think you look.  That’s why I recommended starting with what you already have at home (chances are you’re pretty comfortable with that) and nailing that picture face.

Another key factor is persistence.  The more practice you get in, the more comfortable you’ll get, and the more effortless it looks on camera.  Also, persistence includes taking a ton of pics.  The more you take, the better your chances are at finding the ones you love.  Plus there’s the prospect of the “Happy Accident,” one of my faves.  Confidence can be gained with a little practice and persistence, and confidence is sexy!

Also something that might help you loosen up could include listening to music.  Prince is my go to right now.  Still not feeling it?  Do something that makes you feel good beforehand like a nice long bath.  Try reading a little erotica.  Hell, watch some porn if you want to. Whatever helps you relax and feel sexy is what will work best for you.